- Prep: 2 hours
- Cook: 1 hour
- Yield: 4 servings

750 gm lean turkey meat
2 litres poultry-based stock
120 gm carrot, diced & cleaned
120 gm potato, diced & cleaned
50 gm whole olives
40 gm chopped garlic
15 gm chopped celery
15 gm chopped leeks
20 gm chopped onion
40 ml olive oil
30 gm basil leaves
Salt to taste
10 gm pepper
15 gm fresh oregano
15 gm fresh thyme
120 ml white wine
1. Wash and clean the turkey meat and check for any bones. If there are any, cut and clean them.
2. Dice & season the turkey with some salt & pepper.
3. In a heavy-bottomed pan, put olive oil, sauté leeks, celery, onion & garlic till translucent.
4. Put turkey meat to it and let it cook.
5. Pour in a little stock to keep it moist. Stir in fresh thyme & oregano to induce flavour.
6. Once the turkey meat is half cooked, add the remaining stock to it.
7. Stir after some time, and let it reduce.
8. Add broccoli, carrot & potato.
9. Check for consistency and seasoning. Add whole olives with some fresh herbs.
10. Serve hot with herb rice.